The Week I Went to Niki’s House

By Harry the Hedgehog
(All the conversations are Niki’s own words)

I came to Niki’s house not knowing what would happen. I’m glad I came, but things were not as expected from the start. No one told me that besides Niki there was Mom, Dad, and a small person named Andrew. Niki called her Mom, Mami and her Dad, Papi. I have to tell you that I was glad I took some Spanish classes last year, because that is what they spoke most of the time.

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Instead of relaxing, the day I came was put to work. Niki was doing some presents, pasting some paper and writing some words. So I said, “Hey Niki, what are those cards for?” Niki just looked at me and said, “They are for my friends, silly goose.” That made me so happy, but I never got one, so sad.

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The following day I was ready to relax, you know, stretch your legs, go for a walk, and eat some caterpillars. Guess what? I was left with Andrew, he seemed friendly until he grabbed me and put me in his mouth. I yelled, “Hey, stop sucking on my fur!” To no avail, I spent that day in the jaws of that monster.

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I was so glad to see Niki come home that day. I also got really excited because Niki told me we were going to the beach, Yay! Then in a few seconds I was wearing a girl’s swimming suit, actually it was a girl kitty cat’s suit, and it had a hole for a tail (which I lack). I was mad, and then I looked in the mirror and said, “Oh, I have a big belly.”

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So by beach Niki actually meant going over to her friend’s house, Iker, and spend all afternoon being tossed around while her parents went out to eat. Everyone had pizza that day, except for me. But all is well, because as I tell myself, “Oh, I have a big belly.”

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And so, today is my last day at the Mijangos’ home. It might seem like I didn’t have a good time, but I did. I spent every night in Niki’s arms. Every morning I woke to the kissed and laughter of Niki tickling me. And every day I felt loved. That is why I told Niki, “I’m so happy I can’t breathe. I like it here.” Her reply was, “Now you need to go.” To that I said under my breath, “Oh that is sad”

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